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22 euros
Online session

Available spots

Service Description

NOWBODY is the quality of belonging to the present Movement. Totally Here and Now in the Body in Motion. Listening to the quality of our presence. Aware, Available, Attune to the Energy in Motion, guiding us to a cosmic dance. This session is about connecting to a continuous free flow of movement during 30 to 40 minutes, carefully guided by Illan Rivière. You will dive into a poetic and sensorial world of movement. Expressing your authenticity in soulful motion. Sensing the energy flow and making it circulate in and out in full soft power. Making the Art of movement an act of empowerment and creative expression. Your sensations and intuition will be your compass and the words and world Illan will open up for you will be the directions to follow during the movement travel. The gates to this guided path are open for everybody, passionate dancers, movement lovers and energy intuitives, and everyone interested in creating a meaningful relationship with their body in motion, with authentic dance expression. The session will last 1h in total Diving directly into the continuous meditative flow, and sharing our experiences together to nourish and inspire each other. No dance background needed, Just your body and your will to discover new perceptions and potentials. DATE : Feb 16 TIME : 18h-19h (Spain time) PRICE : 22€ If you can’t make it live, the replay will be provided to all the participants who booked the session and will stay available to watch during 30 days. This is the lowest price offer you will find on the website. Make sure you secure your spot to Join and experience this unique opportunity.

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