Living Art
Born in 1993 in France, it was from a very young age that Illan was fascinated by the colors, materials and lights surrounding him making him a professional dreamer, inspired by every day’s details.
Illan Rivière is a multitalented spiritual movement artist, born in France based in Tarragona, whose work spans across performances, choreography, movement direction, research and teaching. As a creator, Illan’s art expression is channeled through multiple mediums,as movement, painting, music, fashion and jewelry design, short films and stage performances, to materialize powerful, mystical and poetic imageries. All in one to create worlds that embody the ideas around oneness, transformation, spirituality, impermanence, energy flow and meditative state.
Along his career as a Fusion Bellydancer Illan has created a bridge between an hybrid dance style, the contemporary perspective of movement and an energetic, organic and holistic approach of the human body in motion. Today illan doesn’t feel to belong to any specific dance style and express himself embodying the movement of life itself.
Inspired by nature and the energy in motion, Illan is passionate about creating high quality work that unlock human perceptions and provide an immersive and hypnotic space to transfer and resonate with.
Along is continuously evolving path as a mover, Illan developed a very unique, fluid, expressive movement language. He creates soft and powerful imagery though a textural current of organic movement flow.
As a teacher willing to transmit movement freedom, Illan as created is own movement philosophy and methodology and style called NEO|ONE movement, a transformational movement awakening where NEO FUSION style and ONE MOVEMENT philosophy collide to highlight the uniqueness of each individuals and the oneness of a cohesive and harmonious group, through creative and energetic movement flow.
About Neo Fusion:
Neo Fusion style It's a new genre of dance for movers who exercise multiples dance form and doesn't feel to belong to any specific labels. Fusing elements and influences with appreciation and knowledge, they allow themselves to respectfully cross boundaries to find their own movement languages, their own ways to express throughout movement, vibrating and creating freely into an hybrid style they feel identified with.
Neo Fusion, is a new way of seeing, thinking, feeling and moving.
- Feel & Follow
- Manipulate & Transform
- Create & Become
One movement method is a movement philosophy, developed and embodied by Illan Rivière. This movement approach is designed for all creative movers who wants to connect and move with awareness, throughout a sensorial and mindful frequency. Constructed in 3 phases, this method awakes the Body by Felling the origine and Following the nature of movement; it opens the Mind by Manipulating the energy and Transforming it, playing with space and time consciousness; it connect us to our Soul by Creating from our uniqueness and Becoming the movement itself.